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Shrubs - Tecoma - Yellow Bells

Shrubs - Tecoma - Yellow Bells

Big bouquets of bright yellow trumpet blooms. Big, dark green serrated leaves cover these large billowy evergreens to semi-evergreen shrubs. In spring to summer they are also covered with large panicles of bright, sunny yellow clustered trumpet shaped flowers. Due to their size and vigor, plants should be given periodic deep watering to keep them happy and blooming during summer. In winter, plants can go semi-dormant dropping leaves which is the best time to do pruning for size and shape. These shrubs lend themselves to being planted as informal hedge rows, individual specimens or trained into small multi-trunked trees or onto trellis for a flowering wall cover. They are easy to grow and very forgiving plants.

Scientific name:  Tecoma stans

Mature size:  up to 15 ft. high x 8-10 ft. wide

Sun:  Full sun

Regular price $22.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $22.00 USD
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