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Shrubs - Bougainvillea

Shrubs - Bougainvillea

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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Bougainvillea can be planted several ways – staked, trellised or grown in pots.  Available in assorted brilliant colors, they are tolerant of high heat and periods of drought.  Regular spring and summer watering allows for better blooming.  Most Bougainvillea grow into tall and wide thorny, woody vines. Support is needed initially, but with strong, vigorous growth, plants mature quickly to stand alone displaying brilliantly colored bracts. You’ll see these in several yards and landscapes throughout the Phoenix area.  Drought tolerant, fast growing.  The roots of all Bougainvillea sp. are sensitive to disturbance. Care and gentle handling during planting are needed to avoid stress and transplant shock.

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