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Shade - Acacia - Mulga

Shade - Acacia - Mulga

Regular price $79.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $79.00 USD
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Mulga Acacia originates from Australia.  They have distinctive short, narrow gray leaves and are relatively slow growing.  Mature height 20 ft. to 40 ft. high & wide.  Bright yellow catkin-like flowers that resemble cheese puffs appear starting in fall.  Mulgas require very little maintenance but benefit from annual thinning or pruning for shape and structure.  Regular deep waterings during the hottest summer months are beneficial, with limited water during coldest months.  Tough, tolerant, and reliable trees.  Evergreen.

Scientific name:  Acacia aneura

Mature size: 20-40 ft high & wide

Sun:  Full sun

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