Succulent - Century Agave
Succulent - Century Agave
The Century Agave (or Century Plant) is a visually strong accent, focal point, barrier plant, specimen, large desert gardens and xeric landscape design themes. Evergreen, succulent and very fibrous. Quite variable in final mature size, moderately slow growth to 3 to 7 feet in height and width. Vigorously clumping by formation of multiple basal offshoots from rhizomes. Be mindful that leaf margins and tips of this audacious landscape specimen are especially sharp and pointed. After about 25 years, the Century Plant grows a thick, green, towering flower stalk after which the flowering rosette or 'mother plant' dies. The flower stalk grows vigorously, is visually striking and persists for months. Individual flowers are yellow, 3- to 4-inches long. Heat tolerant, cold tolerant to 20oF.
The Century Plant is also valued for its antiseptic properties and also in cooking/baking.
Scientific name: Agave americana