Roses - Purple Splash (Climbing)
Roses - Purple Splash (Climbing)
Yowzer…a whole new color in Climbers! Imagine Weeks' famous Fourth of July rose in shades of purple. Although they're distantly related, this kissin' cousin blooms in even larger, more pyramid-shaped clusters of flowers & doesn't have nearly the thorns. Set these splashy colors against bright Granny Smith-green foliage & you've got a killer combo for any fence, wall or trellis. Vigorous, clean & free-flowering…it repeat blooms readily in the very first year. More stripes show up in cooler weather.
Grower: Weeks Roses
Class: Climbing
Growth Habit: Climbing canes 10 to 14 feet
Flower Size: Medium-large, in large clusters (5 to 10 petals)
Flower color: Wine purple striped with bright white
Fragrant List: Medium - Moderately strong spice & rose