What are bareroot trees?

What are bareroot trees?
Bareroot trees (dormant, with no soil around the roots) are available in winter, in the widest selection, from our nursery and at the best prices. Bareroot trees may be topped, limbed and shaped as the grower chooses.
Container trees are conveniently available in spring & throughout the year, but at a higher price than bareroot, and all varieties and variety-rootstock combinations may not be available. For the first couple of weeks, actively growing trees planted from containers must be watered frequently, sometimes daily, til their roots establish in the surrounding soil.
One of the biggest grower of bareroot trees popular in the Phoenix area is Dave Wilson. Each year Flower of the Gods brings in a wide selection of Dave Wilson trees for sale. These are typically available via pre-order online & for a short time in person at the nursery. For those not picked up during pre-order, bareroot trees are quickly potted into containers to give them best chance to break dormancy in spring. These will be available for sale at a higher price than bareroot with the understanding that they were recently potted & need to be treated as such. Once trees break dormancy, Flower of the Gods will again adjust the price as I consider them container trees at that point.
You can help your tree be successful by how you treat your tree from the time you purchase, how you plant it & care for it until it breaks dormancy. Especially if planted early and are well-established before any hot weather. Bareroot trees are a great way to secure the trees you really want in your yard.